How I greeted students after Winter Break |
I suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), otherwise known as seasonal depression. In fact, even though it's the start of a new year and new beginnings, January is my least favorite month of the year. I hate that it's cold and that it gets dark by 4:00pm and it really affects my mood.
Every year, I sit and complain and wallow in the fact that I really hate January and wish it were Spring already.
But not this year.
This year, I decided to do something --
anything -- to combat my SAD. I decided to move my body.
And so.
I began running.
My first run was 30 minutes and I ran 2.51 miles outdoors during daytime hours, with the sun in my face. Two days after that, I ran 4 miles in 47 minutes. Two days after that, I ran 5.6 miles in 60 minutes. By the time I got to my tenth day of consistently running, I ran 8.1 miles in an hour and 30 minutes.
Not gonna lie: that 8-mile run was hard AF! Around mile 5 or so, I started to feel like I was done! But... I decided to buckle down, get in the zone, and grind through.
Brick by brick.
One step at a time.. one block at a time... one mile at a time.
That's how I got to the proverbial finish line.
NYE with kids be like... |
That led me to think about my 2019 hopes and dreams. I have several goals for this year and if I take things slowly, stay the course, and remain consistent, I will be able to look back on the year and realize that I met all of my goals.
Brick by brick.
That's how I got to the proverbial finish line.
If I want my friendships to be healthy, then I need to commit to reaching out to my friends more regularly.
If I want my hair to be strong and healthy (that's real goals, ya'll!), then I need to commit to deep conditioning my hair at lest three times a month.
If I want my savings account to be healthy (for me, that means ten grand that's just for savings), then I need to commit to having automatic transfers to my savings account each month.
If I want my relationship with my children to be positive and healthy, then I need to commit to spending quality, non-interrupted time with them.
Brick by brick.
If I want my to feel mentally healthy, then I need to commit to listening to what my body needs more regularly, and commit to having "me time" a few times each month.
If I want to feel physically healthy, then I need to commit to moving my body a few times each week.
If I want to establish a healthy work-life balance, then I need to commit to leaving work on time at least three times each week.
If I want to minimize my evening stress, then I need to commit to doing one thing that takes my stress away. For me, that's meal prepping on Sundays, which means that dinner is ready to go each night and all we have to do is heat it up.
Brick by brick.
One step at a time; one block at a time; one mile at a time.
One day at a time; one week at a time; one month at a time.
I can do this...
Brick by brick.